Scoring The Life Change Index
The body is a finely timed instrument that does not like surprises. Any sudden change stimuli which affects the body, or the reordering of important routines that the body become used to, can cause needless stress, throwing your whole physical being into turmoil.
The following chart will give you some idea of how to informally score yourself on Social Readjustment Scale. Since being healthy is the optimum state you want to achieve, being sick is the state of being you most want to avoid.
The higher your life change score, the harder you have to work to get yourself back into a state of good health.
T.H.Holmes and T.H. Rahe. “The Social Readjustment Rating Scale,” Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 11:213, 1967.

How it works
If an event has occurred in the past year, or is expected in the near future, copy the number in the score column.
If the event has occurred or is expected to occur more than once, multiply this number by the frequency of the event.
Anastacia offers support around your Life Change Index Score should you wish to get back into a state of good health.
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